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Michelle Wen Xiao Kang, TEP, JD

Lead Counsel - Estates, Trusts, Elder Law


(416) 495-8888 EXT.118



155 Gordon Baker Rd, Unit 119
North York, ON M2H 3N5

Michelle is a Trusts and Estates lawyer at Yang Wang Law Professional Corporation, with expertise in estate planning, litigation, and elder law. She is a designated Trust & Estate Practitioner (TEP) by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). Prior to joining us, she worked at a leading boutique estates and trust law firm in Mississauga.


Michelle’s planning practice includes drafting Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and advising clients on overall succession planning objectives. Her litigation practice includes Will Challenges, Dependant’s Support claims, Powers of Attorney Disputes, Capacity Litigation, Passing of Accounts, and Guardianship Applications. 

Michelle is passionate about succession planning, seniors' advocacy, and frequently appears as a speaker at educational events for lawyers, financial advisors, and other professionals.  She is a native Mandarin speaker and aims to serve the community both locally and abroad with her legal expertise. 

Michelle holds a Juris Doctor (J.D.) Degree from Queen's University Faculty of Law. She also holds a Specialist Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of Toronto.

Outside of work, Michelle co-founded a local non-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting traditional arts and music in the community. She also serves on the board of a national non-for-profit organization focused on mental health awareness and elder abuse prevention in immigrant communities, including support for international students and visiting seniors.

康文潇律师是本所的专业传承律师和信托遗产规划师 (TEP), 她在家族财富传承规划、信托、相关诉讼以及老年权益保障法领域拥有丰富经验。 



康律师拥有加拿大皇后大学法学院颁发的法学博士 (J.D.) 学位,以及多伦多大学社会学专业荣誉学士学位 (B.A. Hons)。工作之余,她是当地非营利组织的联合创始人和董事会员,致力于推广及传承中国传统音乐,并专注于提高对移民社区心理健康意识和对老年人虐待的预防。

Memberships & Associations

  • Law Society of Ontario (LSO)

  • Ontario Bar Association (OBA) - Trusts & Estates; Elder LawCharity and Not-for-Profit Law

  • Canadian Bar Association (CBA) - Trusts & Estates; Elder Law

  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)

  • Estate Planning Council of Canada (EPCC)

  • Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL)

Publications & Presentations


155 Gordon Baker Rd, Unit 117 & 119
North York, ON M2H 3N5


Tel: (416) 495-8888


  • LinkedIn

Fax: (416) 490-7666


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